Fulton County GA Court

Find Court Resource In Fulton County

136 Pryor Street, Southwest Room C-155 Atlanta, GA 30303

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There are three locations that make up the Fifth Judicial Administrative District in Georgia. The main courthouse is in Atlanta.

Fulton County Courthouse
136 Pryor Street, Southwest
Room C-155
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 613-5313

North Service Center – Magistrate Hearings
7741 Roswell Road Ste 253
Atlanta, GA 30350
(404) 613-5313

South Service Center – Magistrate Hearings
5600 Stonewall Tell Road, Room 219B
College Park, GA 30349
(404) 613-5313

County Clerk

The Clerk of Superior and Magistrate Courts is an elected position in Georgia, and the position comes with many duties. The Clerk has an important part in all things court-related. The clerk handles jury management, maintaining court records, and taking payments for court-ordered fees and fines.

The Clerk is also the source for Fulton County court records, along with property deeds and records. The Clerk administers oaths of office and approves notaries.

Superior Court

Courts in Lee County fall under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Judicial Administrative District in Georgia. A trial administrator handles the administration for the courts. The Superior courts function as trial courts with general jurisdiction. There are 159 judicial districts in Florida.

There are 20 Superior Court judges for Fulton County.

Marriage and Divorce Records

Marriage records are available through Fulton County Probate Court. Divorce records can be requested from the Clerk’s office.

Magistrate Court

Magistrates are allowed to hear certain cases in Fulton County. Magistrates are a step below judicial officers, but have been given the authority to conduct hearings, hear testimony, and evaluate evidence.

In Georgia, magistrates preside over small claims cases, foreclosures, preliminary hearings, bond hearings, and certain criminal cases. There are no jury trials, and civil claims are limited to $15,000.

Civil Court

Civil courts hear cases that are not criminal in nature and usually involve a financial or property dispute between two people.

Civil Court is the court that hears cases where the damages requested are more than $15,000. This includes things like malpractice, contract disputes, and product liability.

Small Claims Court is used for cases that involve up to $15,000 in damages.

Veterans Court

Veterans Court is a special program for veterans who have been charged with felonies and also struggle with mental illness, substance abuse, or homelessness. With mentors and community resources, this court attempts to address the issues involved.

Individuals receive substance abuse treatment, assistance with housing and employment, and community supervision. The program is 18-24 months.

Drug Court

Drug Court is an option for those charged with drug or drug-related offenses. For 18 months, individuals are given continuous treatment and monitoring

Criminal Court

The Criminal Division handles all felony criminal cases. A felony is a charge that can result in more than one year in prison upon conviction.

Probate Court

Probate Court is focused on wills and estates and determines how a deceased person’s estate may be distributed. This court also hears cases involving guardianship. Probate Court also issues marriage licenses.

Probate Court Main Office
136 Pryor Street SW
Suite C-230
Atlanta, Ga 30303

Family Court

The Family Division hears cases in family relations. This includes things like name changes, divorce, custody, paternity, domestic violence, and child support.

Family Division Administrative Office
136 Pryor Street, S.W.
Building J2, 8th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Juvenile Court

This court hears cases involving delinquency, dependency, and support services for minors. Delinquency refers to criminal offenses. Dependency refers to truancy or cases where a child has been neglected or abused.

Juvenile Justice Center
395 Pryor St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30312

Clerk of Court
Meikoe Williams

Behavioral Health Court

An offender may be offered a choice between prosecution and mental health treatment through this court program. This program is 3-5 months and is a court-supervised treatment program.

State Court

The State Court of Fulton County has jurisdiction over misdemeanor criminal cases, civil cases involving more than $15,000. There are 10 judges on this court, and each is elected to a 4-year term.

State Court of Fulton County
185 Central Avenue, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303